Dundee Civic Trust is a voluntary body and charitable trust which aims to encourage the highest standards of design in new buildings and regeneration projects, and to stimulate the public’s interest in the City’s urban heritage. The Trust was formed in 1973 and celebrated its 50th anniversary year in 2023 with a series of special events.
Our members care about the historic City of Dundee and its architecture and environment. We believe that a quality environment is important as it impacts on people’s sense of place and identity, encourages economic development and tourism and provides the backdrop for historic and artistic events.
Come and join us! By joining the Trust, you will meet like-minded people who care about the City and want to improve it. In addition, your membership adds weight to the Trust’s influence with developers and authorities alike. Join Us Here. You don’t need to live in Dundee; you don’t need to be from Dundee; all you need is to want the best for Dundee.

Thursday 20 February 2025, 7.00 pm Talk by Professor Fionn Stevenson Buildings account for 40% of global carbon emissions today, and are drastically increasing climate change. How can we build more benignly? Biogenic construction offers an alternative set of robust materials to challenge the dominance of steel and concrete which are a major source of pollution. […]

The Dundee Civic Trust Board will be considering the proposal to develop the ailing Wellgate Centre into a hub for Dundee and Angus College, as outlined recently by the College Principal, Simon Hewitt. “Our preliminary view,” says Trust chairman Donald Gordon, “is that this has the potential to help significantly in the regeneration of a […]