Our response to the Eden Project application

The Civic Trust has lodged a detailed response to Dundee City Council in respect of the planning application for the Eden Project (reference 23/00814/FULM).

Our overall view of the proposals is, understandably, positive and supportive. Most of our concerns rest in the areas of transportation and accessibility of the site. A number of issues will need to be ironed out to prevent avoidable difficulties.

You can read our submission here. Our thoughts on the planning application (in principle) for a pedestrian and active travel bridge spanning East Dock Street and the railway can be seen here.

Changes in Douglas Street

We note an application to redevelop the site of the former drill hall on the north-west corner of Douglas Street and Brown Street.

The existing two-storey building was, according to the inscription on its south gable, built in 1909 for the City of Dundee Territorial Force. It survived as a Territorial Army Centre up to the 1960s, before becoming business premises and latterly a nightclub. While unlisted, the building falls within the Blackness Conservation Area and special consent for its demolition is required.

The proposed replacement is a seven-storey building housing 63 affordable flats and ground floor workshops. The design appears to be unremarkable, apart from a plan to save and incorporate five small architectural features from the original building in the south and east elevations.

Planning references are 23/00852/FULM for the new development; and 23/00853/CON for demolition in a Conservation Area.

Comments can be submitted to Dundee City Council until 26 January.