AGM, followed by ‘Underground Scotland’

Thursday 17 April 2025, 7.00 pm

Talk by Bruce Keith

This talk, by our regular and fast-paced AGM speaker Bruce Keith, is based on his third book and takes a subterranean odyssey exploring the natural and man-made heritage under our feet. From natural caves to hollow mountains used to generate hydro-electric power, from ancient civilisations to underground bunkers to railway tunnels, from water supplies to the sewers which take away our wastes and much else asides; all are revealed when we take a look below. And Dundee and her hinterland has much to offer and amaze.

The talk will take place as usual in Dundee Art Society Roseangle Gallery, but it will be preceded by the Trust’s AGM at 7.00 pm (19:00) and will start at the later time of 7.30 pm (19:30).  Guests and non-members are welcome and there will be the opportunity to chat over a glass of wine afterwards, kindly supplied by McNicoll & Cairnie, Wine Merchants.

Dundee and Offshore Marine Engineering – an insight into the multiple international business streams of vessel providers and the supply chains upon which they rely

Thursday 20 March 2025, 7.00 pm, Discovery Point

Talk by Professor Norman McLennan, FRICS

Norman’s talk will provide an insight into the energy sector transition as it moves towards more renewable solutions, whilst at the same time ensuring a balanced energy mix. He will give a snapshot of how Dundee supports related industries, looking also at the complex collaborative alliances that are now required across the offshore marine sector, as well as the many different business streams and opportunities that are now available to large offshore construction vessel providers. These include offshore decommissioning, installation of offshore wind farms, transportation and marine casualty work such as salvage and wreck recovery. The talk will provide a unique opportunity for attendees to see video footage of some truly remarkable real-life projects.

This is our annual joint meeting with the Friends of Dundee Heritage Trust. Note that, as it is the Friends’ turn to host the event, it will take place at Discovery Point, Dundee, DD1 4XA.

Earth, timber, hemp and straw: the better way to build today

Thursday 20 February 2025, 7.00 pm

Talk by Professor Fionn Stevenson

Buildings account for 40% of global carbon emissions today, and are drastically increasing climate change. How can we build more benignly? Biogenic construction offers an alternative set of robust materials to challenge the dominance of steel and concrete which are  a major source of pollution. If you think these natural materials don’t work in Scotland, come and discover the latest technology and design techniques that are available to ensure the high performance. This talk will introduce you to international and local exemplar buildings and products that can be used for both new buildings and retrofit projects, with a nod to some traditional techniques too.

Professor Fionn Stevenson is a well known sustainable design expert who has carried out extensive research into the use of natural materials in buildings. She developed Scotland’s first ever bioregional materials database, drawing on materials and products from the Highlands and Islands, and was previously chair of the Scottish Ecological Design Association.

This talk will take place in the Dundee Art Society Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7.00 pm (19:00).  As always, non-members and guests will be very welcome and there will be the opportunity afterwards to chat over a glass of wine, kindly supplied by McNicoll & Cairnie, Wine Merchants.

The Wellgate Project: finding the stories of a street

Thursday 16 January 2025, 7.00 pm

Talk by Dr Erin Farley

The Wellgate Project began when Adam Piggot, a Glasgow-based designer and artist, got in touch with the Local History Centre at Dundee Libraries with a creative idea inspired by his family history research. To mark fifty years since the demolition of the original Wellgate, Dundee Libraries began collecting memories of life and work in the street before its redevelopment. Erin Farley from Dundee Libraries’ Local History Centre will speak about the early history of the Wellgate, its importance in the growth of Dundee and its development into a busy city centre shopping street, as well as sharing some of the memories and stories collected through the project so far.

Dr. Erin Farley is the Library & Information Officer for the Local History Centre at Dundee Libraries, which holds a large and varied collection of books, manuscripts, images, oral histories and print ephemera. She is also a traditional storyteller. Erin completed a PhD thesis on working-class writing communities, The Place of Poetry in Victorian Dundee, at the University of Strathclyde in 2019.

The talk will take place as usual in Dundee Art Society’s Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7.00 pm (19:00). Guests are welcome and there will be an opportunity to chat over a glass of wine afterwards.

Change of use: how Dundee buildings have been adapted, saving embodied carbon, and yet retain a sense of place and purpose.

Thursday 21 November 2024, 7.00 pm

Talk by Mark Watson of Historic Environment Scotland

(Joint event with Dundee Historic Environment Trust)

Reduce, re-use, recycle: a green city must use well the assets it has before building anew. How Dundee has adapted to changing economics and through good planning (yes, by Dundee City Council), much of its best historic architecture gives new vitality to the City of Design. Some buildings you’d scarcely notice, or wouldn’t miss until they are gone, and others are startlingly transformed. How that happened will be revealed in this illustrated talk.

A Dundonian, Mark Watson had the unique opportunity to negotiate and approve changes to the historic environment of Dundee over 14 years, added to four years listing buildings, for what is now Historic Environment Scotland (Industrial Heritage team, External Relations and Partnerships Directorate). He now works on industrial and engineering heritage in Scotland. The talk will cover those and other building types. He worked on managing change to historic buildings and areas across Scotland and is convenor of the Scotland branch of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC). He wrote the nomination for New Lanark’s inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List and parts of that for the Forth Bridge. He researches textile history, industrial architecture and engineering heritage.

This talk will be the first of new series organised by Dundee Civic Trust jointly with Dundee Historic Environment Trust.

The talk will take place in the Dundee Art Society Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7.00pm (19:00).  As always, non-members and guests will be very welcome and there will be the opportunity afterwards to chat over a glass of wine, kindly supplied by McNicoll & Cairnie, Wine Merchants.

The Big Back Garden: Baxter Park and its people

Thursday 17 October 2024, 7.00 pm

Talk by Dr Jan Merchant

The Big Back Garden project is led by the University of Dundee’s Archive Services and explores the history of Baxter Park and its use. Central to the project were local communities who contributed their time, ideas and their memories of the Park.

This evening’s talk, by Dr Jan Merchant, Senior Archivist, University of Dundee Archive Services, will offer a brief history of the Park, describe the project and discuss the role of green spaces in our lives.

The talk will take place in the Dundee Art Society Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7.00pm (19:00). As always, non-members and guests will be very welcome and there will be the opportunity afterwards to chat over a glass of wine, kindly supplied by McNicoll & Cairnie, Wine Merchants.

Nicoll Russell – Beyond Dundee

Thursday 19 September 2024, 7.00 pm

Talk by Willie Watt

(Joint event with Dundee Institute of Architects)

Our Dundee Civic Trust winter evening talks restart on Thursday 19 September when Willie Watt, BSc(Hons) DIP ARCH, PPRIAS, RIBA, will expand upon Nicoll Russell Studios’ work outside Dundee.

The architectural practice of Nicoll Russell Studios will be well known to many members of Dundee Civic Trust for its broad range of work in Dundee including the ‘A Listed’ Dundee Rep, the city centre’s bus stops, Seabraes Bridge, Waters Edge, Dundee Station, The Space at Dundee and Angus College, Dundee Sheriff Court, Whitetops and Grianan alongside many less obvious buildings, houses, restaurants, cafes, bars and night clubs.

Dundee is the home of the practice but to achieve growth it has always been outward looking, winning and completing a range of projects across the UK which will form the basis of this talk.

Willie Watt became a partner at Nicoll Russell Studios in 2006 having joined the practice as an associate in 1999, and is a Past President of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, an accredited conservation architect, an avid keeper of sketchbooks as well as a qualified mountain bike coach and leader.

This talk is the first of new series organised by Dundee Civic Trust jointly with Dundee Institute of Architects.

The talk will take place in the Dundee Art Society Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7.00 pm (19:00).  As always, non-members and guests will be very welcome and there will be the opportunity afterwards to chat over a glass of wine, kindly supplied by McNicoll & Cairnie, Wine Merchants.

Developing the University of Dundee’s City Campus

Thursday 16 May 2024, 7.00 pm

Talk by Jim McGeorge and Rose Jenkins

Since its foundation as University College Dundee in 1881, the University has played an important role in shaping the civic and urban heritage of the City of Dundee. Continuous investment across the University’s City Campus has developed the landscape of the estate and, following the hiatus after Covid, it is about to embark on another wave of transformational change. University Secretary & Chief Operating Officer, Jim McGeorge, and Director of Estates, Rose Jenkins, will discuss the University’s strategic direction and how this will shape the City Campus over the next decade. They will speak of the impact of global reach, the requirements associated with delivering cutting edge science and research, the evolution of modern educational practices and the role and adoption of technology on the estate; and how these growing demands are balanced alongside government changes to legislation, mandatory net zero targets and the economic impact of policy. The University’s estate strategy must value its heritage and respect the conservation area in which the campus sits, while enabling the University to adapt to the needs of current and future generations of students and researchers. That, alongside the challenges of funding new developments and delivering economic viability means there is a challenge afoot.

The talk will take place as usual in Dundee Art Society’s Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7.00pm (19:00). Guests are welcome and there will be the opportunity to chat over a glass of wine afterwards.

AGM, followed by ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?’

Thursday 18 April 2024, 7.30 pm

Talk by Bruce Keith

Author Bruce Keith will return to speak to the Trust about Scottish Milestones based on his book ‘Are We Nearly There Yet?’ – but this is not just a story of distance markers.  This talk will also provide an insight into early methods of measurement and mapping in Scotland, as well as the travellers of the 18th and 19th century whose journals laid the foundation of the Scottish tourist industry.

The book was, the author claims, ‘inspired by the Road and the Miles to Dundee’—the familial reason for this will be explained to us during the talk.

The talk will take place at our usual venue, Dundee Art Society’s Roseangle Gallery. It comes after the business of our Annual General Meeting, which begins at 7.00pm (19:00) and runs for half an hour. Guests are welcome and there will be the opportunity to chat over a glass of wine before the talk.

DCA – Looking back on 25 years and forward to the next

Thursday 21 March 2024, 7.00 pm

Talk by Beth Bate and Jacquie Roberts

DCA Director Beth Bate and DCA Chair Jacquie Roberts reflect on 25 years of one of the UK’s most popular and successful arts centres and look ahead to the future of the organisation. Established in 1999, DCA seeks to enrich lives through the contemporary arts. Home to galleries, cinemas, a print studio, a city-wide learning programme, shop, cafe-bar and hire spaces, DCA is a vital social and cultural hub for those that live in, work in and visit the city of Dundee.

Beth Bate has led DCA as Director since 2016, as creative and strategic lead for the organisation. She is also a Board member at V&A Dundee, Mount Stuart Trust and Edinburgh Art Festival. Beth is a member of the Scotland Advisory Committee for British Council and is Honorary Reader at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.

Jacquie Roberts OBE has Chaired DCA since 2019, helping lead the organisation through the pandemic. Prior to retirement, Jacquie was Director of Social Work at Dundee City Council and was Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate. As well as her DCA role, Jacquie is Vice-Chair for Dundee Bairns and is Deputy Lieutenant for Dundee. She was awarded an OBE in 2010 for services to social care in Scotland.

The talk is also the annual joint meeting with the Friends of Dundee Heritage Trust and will take place in Dundee Art Society Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7 pm (19:00). guests are always welcome and there is the opportunity to chat over a glass of wine afterwards.