The Trust recognises the importance of getting involved with the statutory planning system as a way of influencing the quality of the city’s environment. We regularly comment on planning applications and respond to plan and policy consultations.

It is perhaps easy to get a bit depressed when considering the number of vacant buildings and empty plots around Dundee. The Civic Trust, however, recognises that a significant amount of development is underway involving brownfield sites and redundant buildings. This is bringing more housing and more choice to residents and students in the city. […]

Dundee Civic Trust, working with the Dundee Institute of Architects (DIA), organised successful housing design workshops that took place in June 2023 in the University of Dundee Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. The workshops’ aims were to achieve better design of housing in the city and to develop a template for developers, taking into […]

The Trust’s Vision for Dundee in 2040: a diversified city centre with strengthened city neighbourhoods as places for people to live, work, learn and visit; A ’20-minute city’, where everyone can walk or cycle for essential needs and one that is compact with limits to the expansion of the built-up area; a well-connected city with […]

The Trust believes that a radical new strategy is needed for the city centre, led by the Council, to tackle the increasing number of shop vacancies and empty upper floor premises. We are now pleased to see the Council has produced a consultation document, “Our Future City Centre – Strategic Investment Plan 2020-2050”, to which […]

The Trust supports the overall development principles of the Central Waterfront Masterplan and welcomes new investment to the city. We will continue our regular dialogue with the Council and developers, however, to argue for a higher quality of design in future developments than has been achieved on site 6 opposite V&A Dundee and the railway […]

Dundee Local Development Plan 2, adopted by the Council in February 2019, is the guide for the city’s development for the next decade. Although the Trust disagrees with some points of detail, we support the general principles of the Plan and will generally oppose developments that are not consistent with its policies. In particular, the […]