What do we do? The Trust:
- supports the protection and conservation of Dundee’s historic buildings and open spaces, including buildings at risk
- supports new developments which improve the quality of the built environment and opposes proposals which will have detrimental effects
- runs the ‘Dundee Civic Trust Award’ scheme to encourage good building design and regeneration of the city
- holds an annual programme of public talks on matters of civic design, architecture and conservation
- arranges visits to new developments
- produces a regular ebulletin, ‘Newsflash’, highlighting topical issues
- publishes an annual journal, previously named ‘City Scene’ and now ‘CivicDundee’
- undertakes projects designed to increase knowledge and awareness of the urban environment of Dundee
- holds an AGM in March and elects a Board of 11 members who meet regularly to pursue its aims.
The membership of the board is downloadable in Trust Documents – see next.