Our Vision for Dundee

In a changing world, our cities will be very different places in twenty years’ time. Dundee Civic Trust has spent the last few months preparing its Vision for 2040.

We foresee the possibility of Dundee as a dynamic, compact city; a well-connected city both physically and digitally; a sustainable city pursuing net zero emissions; a learning city; a city with a clear identity that builds on its economic strengths and natural assets; and a city where people want to live, work, learn and visit.

Read the full document here.

Virtual AGM – better late than never!

The Civic Trust held its Annual General Meeting by Zoom on Thursday 19 November, eight months behind schedule due to the effects of the Covid crisis. It was a brisk, low-key event, which at least permitted us to conclude our business for 2019-2020 and move forward. We venture to hope it will not be too long before our normal format of a real meeting with guest speaker and refreshments may take place again.