Developing the University of Dundee’s City Campus

Thursday 16 May 2024, 7.00 pm

Talk by Jim McGeorge and Rose Jenkins

Since its foundation as University College Dundee in 1881, the University has played an important role in shaping the civic and urban heritage of the City of Dundee. Continuous investment across the University’s City Campus has developed the landscape of the estate and, following the hiatus after Covid, it is about to embark on another wave of transformational change. University Secretary & Chief Operating Officer, Jim McGeorge, and Director of Estates, Rose Jenkins, will discuss the University’s strategic direction and how this will shape the City Campus over the next decade. They will speak of the impact of global reach, the requirements associated with delivering cutting edge science and research, the evolution of modern educational practices and the role and adoption of technology on the estate; and how these growing demands are balanced alongside government changes to legislation, mandatory net zero targets and the economic impact of policy. The University’s estate strategy must value its heritage and respect the conservation area in which the campus sits, while enabling the University to adapt to the needs of current and future generations of students and researchers. That, alongside the challenges of funding new developments and delivering economic viability means there is a challenge afoot.

The talk will take place as usual in Dundee Art Society’s Roseangle Gallery, starting at 7.00pm (19:00). Guests are welcome and there will be the opportunity to chat over a glass of wine afterwards.

New Dundee FC stadium plans formally submitted

A much anticipated planning application in principle has now been submitted by Dark Blue Property Holdings Limited for the development of a new Dundee FC football stadium at Camperdown Leisure Park, west of the Dundee Ice Arena.

While part of the planned complex encroaches upon the southern part of Camperdown Park, much of the site takes up what were once the National Cash Register recreation grounds (pictured). The remains of the bowling green and tennis courts may still be seen.

See application reference 24/00096/PPPM on the Dundee City Council website.

In addition to the main stadium the application proposes training facilities and pitches, along with other mixed uses. These include housing and apartments, a hotel with ground floor commercial accommodation, a restaurant and an extension to the ice arena, together with new access roads (including a new access/exit from Kingsway West), parking and associated landscaping and engineering works.

The Trust will be scrutinising these revised proposals closely, having previously expressed concerns regarding the access and traffic implications; and the impact of the associated commercial and housing uses on existing district centres and on Camperdown Park.

Comments to the Council have to be submitted by Sunday 24 March.

Newsflash 63

Our latest packed edition features our detailed responses to the Eden Project planning application and Dundee City Council’s Sustainable Transport Delivery Plan, along with much else.

Open this page and read all about it by clicking here.