Proposed changes at our Roseangle meeting venue

The Trust considers all planning applications in Dundee; and we find ourselves expressing a direct interest in this one.

Listed Building Consent is sought (24/00505/LBC) for a modest series of environmental and access improvements at 17 Roseangle, premises of Dundee Art Society, which functions as our meeting venue. We support the proposals, considering that the efforts to reduce carbon emissions by replacing a gas boiler with a solar panel array and air source heat pump are a role model for other listed building upgrades. We also understand the need to improve access to parking and do not object to a short length of existing wall being removed for this purpose. Internally, the rearrangement of toilet facilities will enhance the amenity of this building.

Heat pump technology continues to generate a considerable amount of scepticism, so its performance for a building of this age and type will be highly informative. Our members stand to have first-hand experience as to whether our Net Zero future is shaping up to be a comfortable one!