Stirrings on Site 6

Following abandonment of plans to establish a Marriott Hotel on Central Waterfront Site 6, a new Proposal of Application Notice has been lodged for the vacant part of the site to the east of Agnes Husband House (Dundee City Council reference 22/00251/PAN).

The applicant is Robertson Construction Tayside, in association with Cooper Cromar Architects of Glasgow. The proposal is described as a major development comprising phased development to deliver office accommodation and residential units, along with other commercial uses (Use Classes 1, 2 and 3), access and parking.

As part of the public consultation, more detailed plans are expected to be revealed at two events (dates to be confirmed) at Dundee House. There will also be an online exhibition. Members of the public are encouraged to participate and give their views.

Agnes Husband House is the controversial office block, now occupied by Social Security Scotland, which stands opposite the V&A and Dundee station. The Trust objected to this development on grounds of its height and indifferent design qualities, amongst other things. We hope the visual standard of the new elevations on the site may be more pleasing to the eye than Agnes Husband House, although admittedly that is not a high bar to clear.